Convert Text Case
Character Count: 0 - Word Count: 0 - Sentence Count: 0 - Line Count: 0
Learn More About the Change Text Case Tool
This is a convenient online text tool where you can change between lower case and upper case letters, convert text to capitalized case, sentence case, title case, snake case, kebab-case, camel case, pascal case, zigzag case, random case, alternating case, and inverse case. Once you're happy with the output, you can download the text in .txt format, or you can copy the text directly.
Understanding Change Text Case Tool
Lower Case
The lowercase text converter transforms all the letters in your text into lowercase letters, making it ideal for standardizing content or formatting text for certain styles. For instance, if you input "CONVERT TEXT TO LOWERCASE", it will convert to "convert text to lowercase". Similarly, "CHANGE ALL TO LOWERCASE" becomes "change all to lowercase". Simply paste your text into the tool and select the 'lower case' tab to achieve this effect.
Upper Case
The upper case converter transforms all text into capital letters, ensuring every character is displayed in uppercase for emphasis or formal styles. For example, "convert text to uppercase" is converted to "CONVERT TEXT TO UPPERCASE", and "make everything uppercase" becomes "MAKE EVERYTHING UPPERCASE". Copy your desired text, paste it into the tool, and select the 'upper case' option to apply this transformation.
Capitalized Case
The capitalized case converter formats text by converting the first letter of each word into uppercase while leaving the rest in lowercase. This is particularly useful for titles or headings. For example, "convert text to capitalized case" changes to "Convert Text To Capitalized Case", and "capitalize every word" becomes "Capitalize Every Word". Paste your text into the tool and choose 'Capitalized Case' to achieve this format.
Sentence Case
The sentence case tool capitalizes the first letter of each sentence, making it perfect for standard text formatting. For example, "convert text to sentence case" becomes "Convert text to sentence case.". Similarly, "capitalize first letter in sentences" is transformed into "Capitalize first letter in sentences." Paste your content and select 'Sentence Case' to apply this format.
Title Case
The title case converter ensures proper capitalization of titles by uppercasing key words while leaving articles, conjunctions, and prepositions lowercase. For example, "convert text to title case" becomes "Convert Text to Title Case", and "proper title capitalization" changes to "Proper Title Capitalization". Use the 'Title Case' tab for this transformation.
Snake Case
The snake case tool converts text into a format where words are separated by underscores and all characters are lowercase, commonly used in programming. For instance, "convert text to snake case" becomes "convert_text_to_snake_case", and "format text with underscores" is transformed into "format_text_with_underscores". Simply choose the 'Snake Case' option for this conversion.
The kebab-case converter formats text by separating words with hyphens, often used in URLs or CSS classes. For example, "convert text to kebab case" changes to "convert-text-to-kebab-case", and "format text with hyphens" becomes "format-text-with-hyphens". Paste your text and choose the 'Kebab Case' tab for this style.
Camel Case
The camel case converter formats text where the first word is lowercase, and subsequent words start with an uppercase letter, commonly used in programming. For instance, "convert text to camel case" becomes "convertTextToCamelCase", and "format text in camel case" changes to "formatTextInCamelCase". Select 'Camel Case' to apply this format.
Pascal Case
The pascal case tool capitalizes the first letter of every word, removing spaces and combining the words. For example, "convert text to pascal case" becomes "ConvertTextToPascalCase", and "pascal case formatting" transforms into "PascalCaseFormatting". Use the 'Pascal Case' option for this style.
Zigzag Case
The zigzag case converter alternates between uppercase and lowercase letters in a zigzag pattern, providing a playful or artistic effect. For instance, "convert text to zigzag case" becomes "CoNvErT TeXt To ZiGzAg CaSe", and "zigzag pattern text" changes to "ZiGzAg PaTtErN TeXt". Choose 'Zigzag Case' for this creative transformation.
Random Case
The random case tool applies random capitalization to letters, giving your text a quirky and unpredictable appearance. For example, "convert text to random case" might turn into "CoNvErT TeXt To RaNdOm CaSe", and "random capitalization" becomes "RaNdOm CaPiTaLiZaTiOn". Select 'Random Case' to generate this style.
Alternating Case
The alternating case converter alternates between uppercase and lowercase letters in a systematic pattern, giving your text a unique look. For example, "convert text to alternating case" becomes "CoNvErT TeXt To AlTeRnAtInG CaSe", and "alternating capitalization" changes to "AlTeRnAtInG CaPiTaLiZaTiOn". Use the 'Alternating Case' option for this format.
Inverse Case
The inverse case tool flips the case of each letter, making uppercase letters lowercase and vice versa. For example, "convert text to inverse case" becomes "CoNvErT TeXt To InVeRsE CaSe", and "inverse capitalization" changes to "InVeRsE CaPiTaLiZaTiOn". Select 'Inverse Case' to apply this style.
Explore More Text Case Converter Tools
Frequently Asked Questions
What does converting text to lowercase mean?
Converting text to lowercase means transforming all the letters in a string to their lowercase equivalents. This is useful for standardizing text or formatting it for specific use cases.
What is the purpose of uppercase conversion?
Uppercase conversion transforms all letters in a text into their uppercase equivalents. This is often used to emphasize text or follow certain formatting rules.
What is Title Case, and where is it used?
Title Case is a text format where the first letter of each major word is capitalized, and minor words like 'and' or 'of' are left in lowercase. It is commonly used in titles and headings.
How does Camel Case differ from Snake Case?
Camel Case is a text format where the first letter of each word after the initial word is capitalized, with no spaces or underscores (e.g., 'camelCase'). Snake Case, on the other hand, separates words with underscores and keeps all letters lowercase (e.g., 'snake_case').
What is Kebab-Case, and when is it used?
Kebab-Case is a text format where words are separated by hyphens, and all letters are in lowercase (e.g., 'kebab-case'). It is commonly used in URLs and CSS class names.
What does Alternating Case do to the text?
Alternating Case transforms text such that each letter alternates between uppercase and lowercase, giving it a unique and decorative appearance (e.g., 'AlTeRnAtInG CaSe').
What is the purpose of Inverse Case conversion?
Inverse Case reverses the case of each letter in the text, changing uppercase letters to lowercase and vice versa (e.g., 'hELLO wORLD'). It is often used for playful or creative text formatting.