Box Shadow CSS Generator


X-Axis: 20px
Y-Axis: 20px
Blur: 5px
Spread: 2px
Inset: False
Color: #c4f8c7

CSS Properties


X-Axis: 20px
Y-Axis: 20px
Blur: 5px
Spread: 2px
Inset: False
Color: #c4f8c7

Copy the 'box-shadow' CSS Code!

box-shadow: 20px 20px 5px 2px #c4f8c7;

Copy Additional CSS Code!

color: #f6f6f6; 
border-radius: 15px;
background: #075E54;

Learn More About the CSS Box-Shadow Generator

Our CSS Box-Shadow Generator tool helps you design shadows for your containers or boxes with ease. Customize parameters such as horizontal length, vertical length, blur radius, spread radius, and shadow color. Additionally, you can toggle between inset and outset shadows. This tool includes basic box/container CSS to help you visualize the final output effectively.

In-Depth Guide to Box Shadow CSS

Box shadows in CSS are a powerful way to add depth and dimension to elements on a webpage. They create a visual illusion of elevation by casting a shadow behind an element. Here's a breakdown of the key properties:

  • Horizontal Offset: Adjusts the shadow's position left or right relative to the element.
  • Vertical Offset: Moves the shadow up or down relative to the element.
  • Blur Radius: Controls the softness or sharpness of the shadow edges.
  • Spread Radius: Expands or contracts the shadow from the element.
  • Color: Sets the shadow's color, allowing for both subtle and dramatic effects.

Here's an example of how to use the box-shadow property:

box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

This code applies a shadow with a horizontal offset of 10px, vertical offset of 10px, blur radius of 5px, spread radius of 2px, and a semi-transparent black color.

FAQs: Box Shadow CSS

What is box shadow in CSS?

Box shadow in CSS is a property that allows you to add shadows to elements, creating depth and visual interest. It lets you control the shadow's offset, blur, spread, and color.

What is the formula for box shadow in CSS?

The formula for box shadow in CSS is: `box-shadow: horizontal-offset vertical-offset blur-radius spread-radius color;`. Each parameter adjusts specific aspects of the shadow.

What is the difference between inset and outset box shadows?

Inset shadows appear inside the element, giving a concave effect, while outset shadows appear outside, creating a raised effect.

Can I use CSS box shadows for responsive designs?

Yes, box shadows work in responsive designs. Use relative units like percentages or `em` to ensure the shadow adapts to different screen sizes.

How can I create a bottom-only box shadow in CSS?

Set the vertical offset to a positive value and keep the horizontal offset, blur, and spread as desired. For example: `box-shadow: 0px 10px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);`.

What are some best practices for using box shadows?

Use subtle shadows to enhance design without overwhelming it. Maintain consistency in light source direction and avoid overly large blur radii for professional results.

Explore More CSS Tools

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Box Shadow CSS Generator tool?

The Box Shadow CSS Generator is an online tool that allows you to easily create and customize shadow effects for your web elements. You can adjust parameters like offset, blur, spread, and color to achieve the perfect shadow for your design.

How do I use the Box Shadow CSS Generator?

Simply adjust the sliders or input fields to set the horizontal and vertical offsets, blur radius, spread, and color of the shadow. The tool provides a real-time preview, so you can see the effect as you make changes. Once satisfied, copy the generated CSS code and apply it to your website.

How do I apply the generated CSS code to my website?

Once you've customized your shadow using the tool, copy the generated CSS code and paste it into your stylesheet or directly into the style attribute of the HTML element you want to apply it to.

Is the Box Shadow CSS Generator compatible with all browsers?

Yes, the CSS code generated by the tool is compatible with all modern web browsers. The shadows will render consistently across different platforms and devices.

Can I use this tool to create shadows for responsive designs?

Yes, the tool allows you to create shadows that work well in responsive designs. You can adjust the parameters to ensure the shadows look great on all screen sizes.

Do I need any CSS knowledge to use this tool?

No, the tool is designed to be user-friendly, so you don’t need any prior CSS knowledge to create custom shadows. However, if you're familiar with CSS, you can further refine the generated code to better suit your needs.